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 Full [Dataisbeautiful] I kept detailed track of every death I experienced in my first playthrough of Dark Souls II. Here are the finaPict. 961×561 px

6483 pts. 0 likes 6 saves

Tags: dark, death, detailed, experienced, fina, playthrough, souls, track (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] I kept detailed track of every death I experienced in my first playthrough of Dark Souls II. Here are the finaPict. 961×561 px

6285 pts. 0 likes 1 saves

Tags: dark, death, detailed, experienced, fina, playthrough, souls, track (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] I kept detailed track of every death I experienced in my first playthrough of Dark Souls II. Here are the finaPict. 961×561 px

6263 pts. 0 likes 2 saves

Tags: dark, death, detailed, experienced, fina, playthrough, souls, track (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)
 Full [Dataisbeautiful] I kept detailed track of every death I experienced in my first playthrough of Dark Souls II. Here are the finaPict. 961×561 px

6082 pts. 0 likes 3 saves

Tags: dark, death, detailed, experienced, fina, playthrough, souls, track (Pict. in My r/DATAISBEAUTIFUL favs)